Chronic pain Unit

In our Chronic pain unit a multidisciplinary team of traumatologists, anesthetists, neurosurgeons, psychologists, physiotherapists, nurses and nurse assistants work together to know better each particular case.

Pain is treated as a disease and patients feel they are being listened and understood. It is not only a matter of finding the best treatment but as well this unit supports the patient and of course pain is relieved so patients have a better quality of life.

Some of the diseases that are usually treated are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, herniated discs….

Services Catalogue


  • Dra. Ziortza Landaluze Bueno
  • Dra. Sara Gallo Santacruz
  • Dr. Alberto Hernández Martínez
  • Dra. Montserrat Viñals Gigena

Documents and test preparation